Arabelle Solutions' air-cooled generators for small and medium reactors offer integrated monitoring and diagnostic techniques.

  • maximum POWER
    400 MVA
  • EFFICIENCY range
    98.6 - 98.8%
    50 years
Airtop genertor

Versatile air-cooled generators

Thanks to the versatility of our air-cooled generator families, their configuration can be applied either for new steam power applications, synchronous condensers, or even for replacing an existing generator installed by Arabelle Solutions or other equipment manufacturers.

Flexibility to meet specific needs

Their compact sizes allow for easy worldwide delivery, installation, and maintenance. Built to high quality standards, TOPACK and TOPAIR generators operate successfully in virtually any environment.

Air-cooled generators overview

Power factor (50 Hz) 0.80 0.80
Power factor (60 Hz) 0.85 0.85
Apparent power (MVA) - 50 Hz 190 MVA to 400 MVA 54 MVA to 200 MVA
Apparent power (MVA) - 60 Hz 190 MVA to 370 MVA 54 MVA to 200 MVA
Efficiency (50 Hz) 98.9% 98.7%
Efficiency (60 Hz) 98.9% 98.6%
Terminal voltage (50 Hz) 11.5 to 22 kV 11 to 15 kV
Terminal voltage (60 Hz) 13.8 to 22 kV 13.8 kV